Lets Get Nauti!

Friday I headed to Savannah, GA with 6 of my best friends. I only knew a few details about the weekend, but I had full faith in my girls that it’d be amazing. It was more than I could have ever dreamed of. The perfect weather combined with the most perfect luck made it the best bachelorette party possible. (Even if I did end up with strep throat and an upper respiratory infection. #WorthIt) 

If you ever visit Savannah a few musts include:

Lunch at Green Truck Pub  #GetAGrilledCheese
Staying in a Charming little house  #ItMayHaveBeenHaunted
A night out on River Street  #NOTRocksOnTheRiver
Riding the sketchy FREE shuttle bus #TheGreen&OrangeTrolleyAintFree
Lunch at Wet Willies  #DaiquiriDeck 
Lunch at The Lady and Sons  #PaulaDeenYall

XOXO, Natalie 

#SoonToBeMrsE  #FruitLoop  #CommonLaw #Toe  #Mercedes  #Showers  #Peace


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